I have made it safe and sound to San Francisco and already successfully made one pavlova. Now we just need to make another 5-7 and hope that a) they don't flop b) I don't eat them. Someone please explain to me how I am NOT supposed to gain weight right before my wedding while simultaneously making enough food to feed a small army... everyone knows that a chef must taste his creations as he makes them... it's the only way to ensure it tastes good. We may be going to fat camp instead of Hawaii for our honeymoon.
I don't really have anything of substance to say. D, bless his heart, beat me to the "anniversary" post. I had it on my list but just never got around to it. Surprise! My husband rocks.
Here are a few photos from our OBX beach rendezvous (or as we call it "the beginning") that can accompany his post:
The house where we stayed (thank you Kuhn's).
I can't not comment. I'm sure you're getting sick of me, but I just have to say that you two little love birds make me GLOW.