Monday, August 19, 2013


So, you know how you hear those crazy stories about urban babies being all weird about normal stuff like grass? Yeah. Turns out we have one of those urban babies! 

'Twas a beautiful sunny day. One might say, it was the perfect day for a picnic. So the Stice family, taking advantage of that magnificent weather, packed up their little family, found themselves a pretty piece of grass and sat down to enjoy their sandwiches. All was well.

Until little Madeline Rose discovered a substance so natural it was unnatural to her. This substance wasn't concrete, or wooden floor, or tile, or carpet or nice plastic mat... it was grass. Soft, green grass. And she happened to touch it with her hand. She'd felt this stuff once before and she didn't like it. Not one bit. 

Nor did she like the fact that she was now stranded in a sea of the nasty green stuff. Derrald made the astute observation that all we needed to do to keep Maddy in one spot was to put her on a mat in the middle of some grass. 

Just to hammer it home how urbanite this girl has become in her short eight month life, grass makes her cry but the sound of constant drilling and hammering from the apartment above us is like a lullaby that our Maddy has not only become accustomed to but now sleeps soundly to!

What a weird girl.

1 comment:

  1. This is what blogging is all about. This makes me so unbelievably happy. She's so old!!! She has so much hair. This series of pictures is priceless. That last picture is amazing. I love these stories! More! More!
