Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lemon Crazy

We have gone LEMON CRAZY in our house.

It's mostly thanks to Mum's lemon tree which has been blessing us with it's tart, yellow fruit in overloaded abundance this year. Fresh lemons, as in "right off the tree" are delicious. We took about 5 pounds of them back in our suitcases after Christmas break.

Last week I went to pick up a package from our front office and when the girl went to pick up the box she was met with surprising weight. A heavy box. A box of lemons! Mum had sent us an enormous box of lemons and we are now officially out of control.

Here's a few of our favorite ways to use lemons:

Pickled or Preserved Lemons. It's easy enough to find recipes online and we tried our hand at a few different types. I've a feeling we'll be making a few more jars yet.

Simply adding them to water. So refreshing!

And last but not least, in recipes. I'm sure you all have some delicious suggestions here and I would love to hear them. Last night, we have made a Moroccan Chicken dish (YUM) with olives, onions, and preserved lemons.

Right now I am trying to find recipes that work with my 5&1 plan while I am continuing to lose weight... but eventually I will be interested in any recipe you can recommend.

I wish I had a picture of Derrald eating a lemon like an orange. He did this with one of the lemons the day it arrived. He's so weird. But he's also scurvy free, so hurrah! 

We love lemons.


  1. So fun! I'm not quite certain what one does with canned lemons, but they look pretty. (: Another great use of lemons is just to use the zest--I best you could zest a few (lot) of lemons and then freeze the zest to use at your convenience. I have a recipe for crepes/pancakes that I got in Jordan that calls for lemon zest. I can get it to you if you want. Can't wait to see you guys!

  2. YES!! I would love to get my hands on that recipe. Lemons plus pancakes = Saturday morning celebration.

  3. Pickled lemons? I suppose that it is an acquired taste.
