Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finding Marilyn at the Carrboro Film Festival

Last week I got an email confirming that my short film "Finding Marilyn" will be making it's US debut here at the Carrboro Film Festival in North Carolina. I am so excited to be sharing this film with all our friends here and am keeping my fingers crossed that,with a little more effort on my part, it will not be the last screening here in the US.

Anyone close to me knows that I have been frustrated with myself for quite some time about not being proactive enough about my projects. I don't know why it takes me so long to get things done. Derrald says I am a "dreamer not a doer" and I'm inclined to believe him, based on my recent progress, however, there is a part of me that thinks "No! I AM a doer. I do things. I made a short film didn't I? Wrote it. Produced it. Filmed it. So I've been "out" of the doing phase for a little while... so what? Where is that girl that dreams things and then does them (even if she takes longer to do it than everyone else)?"

You see, I absolutely have the capacity to be a doer. It's just not really my natural state. It takes me longer to get there. Still, that girl, the one that dreams of doing and then sometimes actually does, she's here. I wrote in my journal today that the key is not to give up. That alone is a triumph in itself. Some of my projects have been going on so long it's embarrassing. But I am a Jannesen. No, a Stice. No, a Jannesen-Stice-Stice-Jannesen. Okay fine. It doesn't really matter what I am. The point I am trying to make is that I WILL get them done (eventually) because I have decided it.

I won't go all Oprah on you right now (sorry Mum). I will just leave you with an image of my poster, designed by my good friend and fellow filmmaker, Salvatore Castellana.

The Carrboro Film Festival is on November 21st. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. You ARE a DOer!!! Hooray! And just so that I'm quoted correctly, I said that your STRENGTH is in the dreaming. Being creative and inspired and seeing things that no one else does. Who wouldn't rather be that? This is one reason I love you.

    Congrats!!! Can't wait to festival it up.

  2. AHHHHHHH!!!!!! So exciting!!!!! I CAN'T SAY ENOUGH HOW EXCIIIIIIITTING!!!!!!! November 21st. Dreamer. Doer. Visionary. That's YOU!

  3. Oh hello, friend. When we ask if anybody has "good news" next Sunday in RS, PLEASE mention that your film will be up and give us the time, date, etc. so that it can go out in the newsletter! I know it's on a Sunday, but please put it out there to the group so that they can at least celebrate with you!

