Saturday, September 11, 2010

On being an American...

I'm not American. 

Derrald is an American.

I am a New Zealander.

However, yesterday, after YEARS of whining about not being welcome in this country, YEARS of watching and waiting as my entire family lived and resided in the land of the "free", YEARS of contingency planning and country hopping and "where will I go next", YEARS of baking the most amazing brownies and chocolate chip cookies (okay, my cookies are terrible, but what could be more American than brownies?!) after YEARS, yesterday, Thursday 9th September 2010,  I was approved and accepted as a Permanent Resident of the United States of America.

It's official! I'm in. I am free to reside here, to work here, to laugh and play and make as many brownies as I like here. 

We made it! All scenarios of "24" style interrogation rooms and torture tactics were laid to rest when a perfectly nice man asked one perfectly nice question (and got an answer longer than he expected) 

"How did you two meet?" 

Well. D and I looked at each other. "Should I start?" "You start" D replied. 

"It was the summer of 1997...."

I should have just handed him over the stack of papers we had printed out OF OUR BLOG and told him to "read for himself".


  1. Hmmmm... They must not have gotten my letter warning them about you. :)

    Congrats! Welcome to the club.

  2. YAY Hayley! This is such a big deal! Marcos has until next Spring and then we can apply. I can't wait. He can't wait. He wants to vote for Obama a million times, and he might not even get once!

