Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Tart of a Lifetime

There is no more amazing experience than to come home to what you see on your screen. This tart caused me to weep when I bit into it and it's identical twin. My wife is a culinary genius. Knowing that it was made "healthy" style made it taste that much more sweet.

Hayley and I have been married now for around four and a half months. We have been having fun discovering the hidden talents of each other. Hayley makes the most delicious soups and desserts I've ever imagined. I organize our belongings and eat the "questionable" food in the fridge. We're a good team.

This tart really did blow my mind.


  1. Hayley Maree Stice, you are unreal! Those are gorgeous!What is that creamy custardy heaven I see peeking out from below the fruit. Derrald, you truly are unworthy.

  2. It was lemon curd. A most delicious substance and a little goes a long way.

    You could also do it with any kind of custard (i love custard) or a pudding mix.

    Each tart = 2.25 WW points (hooray!!)

  3. Good heavens. I hope Seth doesn't see this for fear he learn what he'll be missing out on in our marriage. Bravo, Haylee.

  4. I'm not typically a tart man, but this tart looks amazing.

  5. This looks delicious!

    Also, I need your address so we can send our baby announcement. Jeff texted Duke but he's slow :) I figure maybe Hayley will be more on the ball?

    You can email it to me at mindylind@gmail.com

