Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Cat and the Fish Bag

So, I have recently discovered two distinct ways of drawing attention to one's self and making friends with strangers.

1. Carry your brother's cat across the nation on two connecting flights... turns out people love cats. Love 'em. And they will love you too if you carry one like an accessory. Heavy, meowing accessory.

2. Carry a fish bag.

I have a fish bag. It's a bag with fish on it. I recently brought the fish bag out of storage to take to Hawaii with us. It's a good beach bag. Did I mention it has fish on it?

My fish bag makes me smile. Children love it. They love to point out the fish and this makes me smile. My favorite comment so far was uttered from the mouth of a small child at Southpoint Mall:

"Nemo!! Mommy! Nemo!!"

This child had decided all fish must be called Nemo. Yes, child. Nemo bag.

Forget candy. All one needs to lure a child these days is a fish bag.


  1. Congrats on the wedding, Derrald! And good luck with becoming the Stice Family. If you ask me, though, I'd say having a kid the regular way is probably safer than luring one.

  2. I'm a dunce. I made your blog a tab back in June, so when I click on it it loads that day's entry. I thought you hadn't been updating, but today I realized I was four entries behind. A gold mine of fun!
