Friday, April 30, 2010

First Post: A Dedication

Hayley told me last week that she will be devoting 85% of her energy to this blog. Quite a committment. When she saw the tears streaming down my face she tried to explain that she meant "85% of her online social networking" energy, we'll see.

Hayley has made it clear that my blog debute is supposed to be lovey. Several tiimes over the last couple weeks I've felt a certain moment in our lives would well be captured with a timeless entry in the H+D blog archives. I have been assured repeatedly that most of my would-be blog entries are not of general interest or offensive. I have therefore had to put on the backburner accounts such as "The Camel," a humorous tale of a loving wife spitting on her doting husband's face in the middle of the night during what she called a "dream."

Instead, this blog entry is dedicated to my Hayley. We met when we were 15, stayed in touch and stayed friends, remet at OBX and are now married. It's the best thing to ever happen to me. Our relationship (in it's varying forms over the years) has been based largely on our ability to talk to each other for so many more hours than should be possible. I have long been a fan of Arrested Development (put it in your permanent collection immediately), and Hayley and I have recently rewatched all three seasons. Last night we had the final episode left, a mere 23 minutes of comic genius left to go. We fired up the dvd and started to watch. We often have to pause shows/movies when someone wants to say something. Last night we didn't get a minute into the episode before we had to pause it to talk about something. That something turned into several hours of chatting on the living room floor. We never finished the episode, but we had fun doing what we've done since we were 15.

I have now blogged. We'll see how close to 85% my energy committment gets.


  1. a) i love you
    b) i can't believe you mentioned "the camel"
    c) come home immediately so you can help me clean this apartment
    d) no, the blog is not a valid excuse for getting out of the cleaning

  2. hehe "several tiiiiimes." Do you sing your words, or was that a typo? I'm going to pretend you sing.
