I guess it's time for a little Dragon Baby update.
For those of you anxiously awaiting news of whether or not you're getting a little niece or nephew, grandson or granddaughter, cousin (f) or cousin (m), future girlfriend or future boyfriend,
WE STILL DON'T KNOW and it will not be announced in this post.
If you choose to read on despite whatever dismay you may be experiencing (I assure you, your feelings are naught compared to those that Derrald chose to express after the ultrasound that was supposed to have been "all revealing"... ) I am happy to share with you that our dragon lives! It is alive. At least, they
told me it is. Apparently my strategically placed placenta means I still can't feel any movement so am subject to repeated panic attacks related to thoughts like "I don't
feeeeeeeel pregnant (read:bloated and sea sick) right now and I can't feel anything moving in there... sweet heavens, what if this was all a big fake out and I'm not really pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!... but that doesn't explain why my pants don't fit....I must be pregnant, I'm wearing maternity clothes... but I don't
feeeeeeeeel pregnant and I can't feel anything, oh-no......"
Apparently, being pregnant makes one irrational. I don't see it.
Our last ultrasound was at 18 weeks. For one of us, it was a great comfort just to confirm that everything is developing just the way it should be. It was a delight to find out I am housing some kind of zen-master yogi because the child refused to uncross it's legs and maintained it's sitting lotus position no matter the amount of prodding and poking made against my uncomfortable belly. For one of us (read:Derrald), our unborn child's lack of obedience and pension for modesty led to feelings of frustration and words like "waste of time". *Cue pregnancy dramatics here. One of us, nay, not just one of us,
two of us may or may not have had their feelings hurt. One of us had to apologize for their insensitive ways.
So this is it folks. Start the polls. Make your guesses. Reach out to the fortune teller in you and tell us your predictions. Stice Dragon Baby Girl or Stice Dragon Baby Boy? What'll it be? Place your vote in the poll posted on the top righthand side of this blog!! --->
Aside from the above shenanigans, things have been moving pretty smoothly. I feel like the humid HK heat makes things just a little bit harder in general but I have been lucky to escape with our recent trips to Beijing and Bangkok (posts to follow). I am delighted to be back in my kitchen after almost 4 months of complete aversion. My feelings of health are a testament to modern day medicine. I know when I've forgotten to take my medication because it doesn't take long before I'm reunited with my fickle friend the toilet bowl.
There are a few times when even the medicine is not enough however, and the cast and crew on my last shoot with RTHK were there to witness what happens when a pregnant lady overheats. Don't ask me whose bright idea it was to shoot outdoors in July but about 5 takes into our first shot (set up on a nice sunny bridge) I abruptly interrupted the shooting schedule to throw up my insides. The hilarious part (you see, it's all rather funny if you think about it) is that the only "container" they could find for me to throw up in was a see-thru, plastic bag. Boy did that crew see more than they bargained for! Thankfully, when kept in the shade and with consistent access to seating, I was just fine for the rest of the day.
We have already started receiving the vast amounts of bounty associated with having your first baby. My Grandma has knitted the most adorable booties... do you think it's too much to ask for matching ones? Me and baby just hanging out in our knitted booties. Hmmm.... I'm adding it to the Christmas list. Both our families have started adding to the Dragon treasure pile too. I don't know who is more excited, me or our little Dragon to sit atop this pile of goodies. :) Thank you all!
This photo was taken in front of the Olympic Stadium "the bird's nest" in Beijing when I was about 16 weeks |
Due Date: remains 12/12/12
Currently: 19 weeks
Size: Mango (approx. 6"long, 8.5oz)
Cravings: Chicken, Cheese
This photo was taken at the Forbidden City in China when I was about 16 weeks. |