Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, for about 10 minutes in our first week here in HK we shared our apartment with a bat. We have absolutely no idea how it got in. I just came out of the kitchen one evening to see it frantically (and noiselessly) flapping around our living room. All our windows have mosquito nets on them, and none of our doors get opened unless we are walking thru them because of the air conditioning... so this little bat literally morphed out of thin air. Derrald wouldn't believe me when I said there was a bat in the house. He thought maybe it was a bird, but I know my bats. It eventually found it's way out the balcony door and this was the best photo I got. Not easy considering how erratic it was. I almost took a bat in the face a couple times. I don't know who was more panicked, him or me, but only one of us was making any noise that could actually be heard. Me. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!


  1. I lived in the Kong for three years and don't remember a single bat. It was freakishly quiet. And freakishly terrible at using sonar to find the door that I opened for it.

  2. Sorry, WHO opened the door for it?

  3. I didn't know this post existed!!! Oh my gosh. Every since my third-grade teacher, Ms. Mooney, told us a HORRIBLE story about bats I have been terrified--not just of bats, life in general. Yikes!
