Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All Aboard with the Stices

Wining (read: eating) and Dining (read: eating) aboard the Norwegian Pearl. 

The day began with breakfast:

The green things are poached figs.

Somebody was loving the blueberries.

Then there was usually some activity, possible lazing around and even a little evening round of golf. Okay - we never really played the golf except for this one time. Pretty though isn't it?

I loved getting dressed for dinner every night. NCL do not require their passengers to dress formally for dinner so there was nothing too extravagant... but I had fun:

It was dinners like this:

 Lobster with Seafood and Linguine.

 The steak AND the lobster?!?!?

 Baked Shrimp.


That had us hitting up this place:

The gym! We ran three times while onboard. Way to make room for more food! Like the following:

Everything Chocolate.

Um, Chocoholics Buffet? YES!!! There is a little story I would like to tell regarding this enormous plate of chocolate monstrosity. I loaded and carried this plate back to our bedroom and as we were walking down the stairs Derrald overheard a man exclaim (in horror) "GOSH!!!" and his wife calmly said to him "I don't think that's all for her"... I wish I had turned around and said "it IS!" haha. But I would have been lying. It was not all for me. I shared. And it was still too much. 

Sadly, I don't have any pictures from the night Derrald wore his suit, but you've all seen him in full get up before (see here). This is the only "formal" photo we have together. Enjoy it. 

Who's with us for the next one? Start the sign up now. Alaska? Mediterranean? Panama Canal? Yes! Yes! Yes!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a blast! Every story I have ever heard about cruises involves gorging oneself, so you guys aren't the only ones to gain some holiday weight. (: Also, that good news is that you missed out on the tornadoes (which weren't even that close to Chapel Hill anyway) and neither of you fell overboard.

  2. That looks so wonderful and I'm drooling a little on the keyboard. Love the dressed up pictures - you look amazing!

  3. Great pictures. Hayley you look like you are a movie star or something.
