This is it. Middle age. Sure, my hand is still on the door handle and my foot barely inside the room, but I can already smell it. The smell of middle agedness. For anyone that has ever had a conversation with me about "getting older" you already know how I feel about turning 30. I've been kind of looking forward to it! I feel like this is an age that will suit me. I know so many people who are rocking their 30's and I always intended to be one of them. I did not, however, take into account that this is now also going to be the age of "childbearing" for me. I am not going to be one of those awesome, fit can't-believe-she's-thirty thirty year olds. I am going to be large. And waddling. And sleep deprived... NOT my best look.
Still, it's a very exciting time and the occasion has been marked appropriately with gifts of flowers, cake, family and the promise of an exotic getaway (on which we will be embarking in two days eck!)
In over two years of marriage and some fifteen years of knowing each other (D has now officially known me for HALF of my entire life) Derrald has bought me flowers only once, and even then it was really only "flower" because it was a single rose for Valentine's Day in 1998. Well, I have pointed out several times during the course of our marriage that I wouldn't mind if a certain someone were to buy me some flowers occasionally... so, not one to do things by halves, for my thirtieth birthday Derrald went out and bought me half of the Jordan flower market. The only glitch being that seeing as I have never received any flowers, I've never had the need for a vase and therefore do not own one. He forgot the flowers would need a place to live... so, when I entered our living room I found he'd gotten creative.
My favorites were the flowers in my gumboots:

There were also my lanterns:

And even the use of a blender...

I had armfuls of flowers and the fun part was because they hadn't been arranged, I got to do the arranging myself! Activity time :)
Sorry, I failed to get pictures of the final arrangements. I had so many bunches but they all died so quickly!!! Seriously. I've never had flowers die so fast before. It was only several days later after I had been lamenting their untimely deaths that Derrald piped up and said it had all been intentional. The flowers (and their demise) had all been symbolic. He'd bought them for me specially, to be a reminder, and now I quote:
I will never view flowers the same way again.
Luckily, my mother arrived just in time to help me get over the blow by making a delicious black forest cake. Double layered chocolate cake, cream, cherries and chocolate ganache.
Dying youth? Totally forgotten. Hulloooo thirties... you taste good.